Zuli Dewi Mulyowati: Hijab ,Islam & the West

Hijab ,Islam & the West

There is no uniform approach to terminology for Islamic dress. Specifically, the wearing of Islamic headscarves by women in public places has raised questions about secularism, women's rights and national identity. It has always been seen by the Western feminist as oppressive and as a symbol of a Muslim woman's subservience to men. Muslim women, as if the act of "unveiling" will somehow bestow the "equality" and "freedoms" that Western women enjoy. It was against this historical backdrop that the Australian popular media developed an interest in the HIJAB-the traditional veil worn by some Muslim women. Recently FIFA said in a letter to the Iranian Football Federation that
the Iranian women's team is not allowed to participate in the games in Singapore while wearing HIJAB, or head scarves. The secretary-general of Iran's National Olympic Committee has called on Muslim countries to protest the world soccer body's ban on head scarves for women during the Youth Olympic Games this summer.
On March 14, 2004, the French legislative council voted the ban on "religious symbols" in public schools. This uncommon law, which mainly targets Muslim young girls, was widely supported in France. People still observe the case without real understanding.The French Muslims failed to build a unanimous strategy toward the crisis of hijab. The western media does not show the countless western women who have reverted to Islam, adopted the HIJAB, and are happy with it. Should we listen to the western media or the western women who accept Islam after experiencing the so called freedom?
Islam is first to gave freedom to women. Islam gives women right to vote 1400 years ago, in America it is given in early 1900. Islam gives the right of property inheritance 1400 years ago, but in America laws for the inheritance are were rewritten in 1950's to give right of inheritance to women. How bad the status of women in west? We have given the rights 1400 years ago that the women of west dreams until this generation. Veiling is not against west, veiling is against imperialism. There is a difference between west and imperialism. West is a culture and it's like a civilization just like any other culture or civilization. No, the west is as ethnic as Arab culture. HIJAB, scarf and covering body is also in other religions. Christianity also shows strength to wear it. Merry in the church wears scarf. If the nuns can wear the scarf then why the Muslim women is banned of wearing HIJAB? HIJAB is a choice for the women not a compulsion or oppression. Just look at how the west treats women. Porn industries are thriving, filthy DVDs are sold everywhere, magazines of semi-nude women decorate even grocery stores, filthy magazines are sold even in corner stores, strip clubs are in abundance, and I can go on and on. In your opinion, will the ban on hijab at French schools remain the same? Finally, why is the west so scared of the HIJAB?

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